Helping young people get their joy back

Childhood should be a time of innocence and wonder. But for many children in our region, exposure to violence, abuse, harassment or social stressors are realities that threaten their mental and emotional health, and their well-being, now and in the future. We’re here to help them feel heard, safe and resilient.

Does your child need someone to talk to?

Walk-in Counselling

When life’s challenges become too much for your child, immediate support is available without an appointment or referral.

Are you facing barriers to accessing services related to housing, disability, immigration or living on low income?

Advocacy for Excluded Communities

We invite you to meet with an advocacy worker to discuss your best course of action and get referrals to the right information, people, programs and services.

Will your child be providing testimony in court?

Child and Youth Court Witness Program

Testifying can be a scary experience for young people. We’ll take them through what to expect, help them prepare statements, and accompany them to court on the day.

Woman carrying child on her back
Has your child been affected by violence at home?

Francophone Children Witnesses to Domestic Violence

Individual and group counselling services are available to French-speaking children, adolescents and their mothers who have been exposed to, witnessed, or are victims of domestic abuse.

Is your child struggling to cope at home or at school, or recovering from abuse?

Counselling for Children

We offer individual counselling and play therapy for children and youth, aged 4 to 17, to help them cope better, feel better and do better.

Last year, 137 children survivors of abuse were supported in navigating the criminal court process.